AFCEA and the Intelligence & Security Academy Announces Strategic Relationship
AFCEA’s Professional Development Center (PDC) and the Intelligence & Security Academy, LLC have entered into a strategic relationship based on the highly complementary nature of their respective course offerings. We are pleased to announce that the Intelligence & Security Academy is an AFCEA Preferred Provider in Education & Training.
The PDC is part of the AFCEA Educational Foundation and offers courses on a wide range of topics that support AFCEA International’s guiding vision to advance knowledge in the fields of communications, information technology, intelligence and global security. The Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational incentives, opportunities and assistance for people engaged in information management, communications and intelligence efforts and fostering excellence in education particularly in the “hard science” disciplines related to C4ISR. The Foundation offers a range of scholarships, fellowships and grants and actively promotes opportunities for persons from groups under-represented in its fields of interests.
The Intelligence & Security Academy® is one of the leading providers of courses on intelligence – the role of the Intelligence Community, introduction to analysis, the intelligence budget process, and many others – and a wide range of national security topics, including cyber, homeland security, and counter-terrorism finance, among others. Since 1999, the Intelligence & Security Academy® has taught courses in almost every agency of the U.S. Intelligence Community and in each of the military services. The Academy teaches across the United States and overseas. These courses are offered on a client basis and twice a year there are courses open to individual enrollment in its Open IntellAcademy®. All Intelligence & Security Academy® courses are overseen by Dr. Mark M. Lowenthal, former Assistant DCI for Analysis & Production; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence; and Staff Director, House Intelligence Committee. Dr. Lowenthal is the author of the standard college textbook on intelligence, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, (4th ed, 2009). Dr. Lowenthal is the course coordinator for the PDC’s popular course The U.S. Intelligence Community: Who Does What, With What, For What?
By marketing its courses together the AFCEA PDC and the Intelligence & Security Academy® can offer their respective communities, clients and AFCEA members a much wider range of successful and proven course offerings from highly technical courses to broader policy courses. AFCEA members will receive a 10% discount on all Open IntellAcademy® courses. AFCEA PDC and the Intelligence & Security Academy® courses are all taught by highly experienced practitioners, each of whom typically has over 25 years of experience in their subject.
Click here for more information on the AFCEA PDC
Click here for more information on the Intelligence & Security Academy