OpenAcademy® Faculty

Mark Lowenthal, President of the Intelligence & Security Academy (Analyst Training: Writing Analysis & Preparing Briefings) has served as Assistant Director of Central Intelligence (ADCI) for Analysis & Production; Vice Chairman for Evaluation, National Intelligence Council; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence; and Staff Director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).  Dr. Lowenthal is the author of the standard college/graduate school textbook on intelligence, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, now in its 7th edition (CQ Press).  He also serves as an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins University, the National Intelligence University, and SciencesPo.  In 1988, Dr. Lowenthal was the Grand Champion on the television quiz show Jeopardy!

Ron Marks (Intelligence Budget Process) served in the CIA as an analyst & a clandestine service case officer, including tours as a Senate Congressional Liaison officer; Special Assistant to the ADCI for Military Support; & senior Budget Director at the National Reconnaissance Office.  In the U.S. Senate, he was Intelligence Counsel to Majority Leaders Bob Dole and Trent Lott.  Mr. Marks is an Adjunct Professor at the Johns Hopkins University.